【Pluzme】找lol lag,lol lag問題Pluzme都有! 希望跑速快 至少 打英雄聯盟不LAG 發起人:qq465213 | 時間:2011-10-15 00:36 ... lol lag mac lol lag spikes july 2013 lol lag 2013 精選標籤 汽車 美容 車貸 商務中心 英語補習班 美白 防皺 周年慶 瘦身 雷射近視 ...
mac graphics lag? help - League of Legends Community So I've played league for about 6 or 7 months now and I've never had this problem but, mac recently came out with the new operating system ...
Lol lag on mac client - League of Legends Community I only downloaded it recently on a mac, but it constantly fps spikes throughout the game and I have my settings set it very low and the lowest ...
why is Mac Client so laggy? - League of Legends Community I'm using i7 retina for my LoL Client. ... to be able to play Co-Op AI games because it will lag on team fights. ... lag just happens in mac client ...
League of legends Reducing lag time for MAC, Windows ... League of legends Reducing lag time for MAC, Windows ... How to improve your League of Legends (LOL ...
How to fix the lag in the new iLoL Client for Mac! - YouTube How to fix the lag in the new iLoL Client for Mac! ... computer gonna break by using this becuse it sounds ...
LoL Mac in game freezing and lag spikes - League of Legends Community I don't know if its the computer or the game but whenever i play and game type i get lag spikes for like 2-3 seconds every 1-2 mins and its really ...
MAC OSX LOL CLIENT - League of Legends Community Hi guys, Im not sure if it is just me or whatever but lately the LOL client for MAC OSX is just SO teribad. Lagging non stop in shop, wont load ...
FPS lag in Mac - League of Legends Community I have a really good mac and it has more than enough power to run lol in max level. But, normally in teamfights, it lags a lot without reason.
Incredible Lag on Mac Client - GameFAQs Just recently I started playing LoL again after going on hiatus for about 6 months or so, however when I returned, I cannot get above 10 fps on ...